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TOWN OF NEWTOWN___________________________________________________
PBSC meeting minutes of October 27, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular Public Building and Site Commission held Tuesday October 27, 2009 in the Library meeting room of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Vice Chairman Jim Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Vice Chairman Jim Juliano, Joseph Whelan, Pete Samoskevich, Tony D’Angelo, Tom Catalina, Joseph Girgasky.
ALSO PRESENT: Clerk of the Works William Knight, First Selectmen Joseph Borst, Fletcher Thompson Representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representative David Bielawski, Board of Education members David Nanavaty and Superintendent of schools Janet Robinson.  
ABSENT: Chairman Bob Mitchell

1. Public Participation
None Noted

2. Approval of minutes of September 22, 2009
The minutes of September 22, 2009 were accepted as presented.  Mr. Samoskevich moved to approve the minutes of September 22, 2009.  Mr. Whelan seconded motion. All were in favor.

3. High School Expansion Project
(See Attachment A to original minutes; Fletcher Thompson Report of Project Visit.)  
Mr. Bielawski gave the PBSC an update on the status of the High School Expansion project.

Review of Applications for payment  
Mr. Juliano presented to the Commission the following Applications for payment,
- Brooks Environmental Inv. #3910 in the amount of $955.00
- RECON Inv. #2 in the amount of $1724.00
- Fletcher Thompson Furniture Proposal no monetary change
- Fletcher Thompson Inv. #0015359, 60, 61 in the amount of $48,556.90 for Contract        Administration and Greenhouse design
- Fletcher Thompson Inv. # 0015242 in the amount of $3655.00
- Morganti Group Inv. # 00004 in the amount of $1,576,744.48 for additions and renovations to date.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment on the Applications presented, contingent upon the review and signage of any payment applications not already signed by Mr. Bob Mitchell, Chairman PBSC, within seven days.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.


Fletcher Thompson representative Mr. Costa addressed the Commission regarding the Furniture Fixtures and Equipment Proposal (See Attachment B to original minutes).
Mr. Costa explained that they will be working closely with Morganti to determine a delivery schedule to coincide with construction.
Fletcher Thompson will design around the allocated budget, not to exceed, $1,530,000.00.

Mr. D’Angelo commented to the Commission that it be considered that Clerk of the Works Mr. Bill Knight be used as the site facilitator when the furniture comes in.
Mr. Knight stated that he will be there, that is already part of his scope.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend the FF&E proposal for the High School renovation project presented by Fletcher Thompson not to exceed an amount of $1,530,000.00 which is already part of the allocated budget (this is not an application for payment or a change order). Mr. Whelan seconded motion. All were in favor.

In other updates Mr. Costa addressed the Commission regarding the High School gym flooring upgrade with samples of the two grades.
Fletcher Thompson recommend the use of grade #1 of which the variation and quality is better and less disruptive (to athletes playing and using the floor).
The cost difference of the floor upgrade would be an additional cost of $17,651.95 for 13,592 square foot, a difference of $1.16 per square foot.
The additional cost would come out of the contingency fund.
Ms. Robinson stated that gym space/availability in town is highly sought, the gym is of a competitive nature and an uncontested variation would be preferred via lighter color as darker wood planks may be confusing to an athlete and be misconstrued as boundary lines.
Mr. Catalina stated that the additional cost is minimal considering the length of time the gym will exist and the usage it will get.

Mr. Catalina moved to approve the High School gym flooring upgrade to #1 pending the availability of funds. Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. Costa then addressed the Commission regarding the windows at the High School. He proposed that they have a locking mechanism to only be open by maintenance or faculty members.
Mr. Costa explained the reason for this being that generally with operational windows the HVAC system is compromised and thrown out of order not to mention the waste of energy when the windows are being open while the AC or Heat is on.
Mr. Samoskevich asked of any potentially hazardous safety issues of having the windows locked.  Mr. Costa explained that in the event of an emergency the windows would not be used as an escape route as they are not egress windows and the doors and hallways would be used.


High School maintenance facilitator did approve of using the locking mechanism on the windows so as to reduce the energy waste of having open windows and the HVAC system running as with operational windows they inevitably do get opened.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend the Fletcher Thompson proposal for eliminating the operable sash on the windows. Mr. Catalina seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Costa addressed the Commission regarding the Science tables that were ordered and were too short for the required height.
Mr. Costa stated that instead of spending additional funds and ordering the correct legs to accommodate the height the tables should be at 36” he suggested using the incorrect tables in the Culinary Arts program (which the tables would work and still have to be ordered anyway) and order the correct height Science tables.
Mr. Whelan moved to accept using the 30” (incorrect) Science tables for the Culinary Arts program and putting them into storage for now and the correct 36” Science tables be ordered.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Knight proposed two Change Orders regarding the High School Expansion project.
Change Order #4 in the amount of $12,346.29 for Fire Pump modification, the work has already been done and payment is recommended.  
Mr. Catalina moved to recommend payment of Change Order #4 with funds to come out of contingency. Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.  

Change Order #5 in the amount of $502.65 for the replacement of an existing catch basin in the lower parking lot.  It was scheduled for repaving but needed replacing as the rebar was showing through the concrete.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment pending the availability of funds to come from contingency.  Mr. Catalina seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. D’ Angelo also moved to request that the Commission receive on a monthly basis a copy of the Monthly Summary Financial Report as an update on the status of the Contingency fund so that the Commission has an idea of what funds have been spent and what is available.  Mr. Whelan seconded motion.  All were in favor.

4. Fairfield Hills Public Works
Mr. Knight addressed the Commission regarding the light poles at the Fairfield Hills Campus. The Fairfield Hills Authority was not pleased with the light poles chosen around the Municipal Center.  Mr. Knight stated that the thinner poles can be easily refitted with LED lights. Mr. Knight had spoken with Mr. Mitchell regarding the installation of the lights without a change order having come across the PBSC. (See Attachment I to the original minutes).


5. Town Hall
Mr. Knight updated the Commission on the status of the High School Expansion project and the Bridgeport Hall project, (See Attachments C, D, E, F, G, H to original minutes; Weekly Progress Reports 9/28 – 10/16/09).

Review of Applications for Payment
Mr. Juliano presented the following Applications for Payment regarding Fairfield Hills;
- O&G Inv. # D0019 in the amount of $714,692.42 for Plumbing, Electrical, Steel, Paint, Drywall, Flooring and Fire Protection           
- BKM Inv. #’s 538936, 540593, 542059, 542059, 541931, 541761, 542132, 542246, 371152 in the amount of $265,200.50 for Furniture.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment on the Applications presented, contingent upon the review and signage of any payment applications not already signed by Mr. Bob Mitchell, Chairman PBSC, with in seven days.  Mr. Whelan seconded motion. All were in favor.

6. Community Center
Mr. Juliano presented Applications for Payment regarding the Community Center;
- O&G Inv. # 27257 in the amount of $14,500.00 for Services provided by Ames & Whitaker Schematic Design 8/1-8/31/2009.
- O&G Inv. # 32357 in the amount of $12,500.00 for Services provided by Ames & Whitaker Schematic Design 9/1-9/30/2009.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment on the Applications presented, contingent upon the review and signage of any payment applications not already signed by Mr. Bob Mitchell, Chairman PBSC, with in seven days.   Mr. Whelan seconded motion. All were in favor.

7. Unfinished Business
None Noted

8. New Business
Discussion of Election of Officers tabled until all members present.

9. Adjournment
Having no further business, the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission adjourned at 9:20p.m.

                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk